There have been 91 Academy Award ceremonies, and she is the only woman who has ever been nominated for Best Cinematography.
Rachel Morrison started her cinematography career in 2002, and after Dope (2015) was released, she became one that cinefiles had to watch. Most recently known for her work on Black Panther, she was the talk of the 2017 film year before that. Morrison became the first and only woman ever nominated for Best Cinematography for her job on Mudbound, and whose work was recognized and nominated for many other prestigious cinematography awards around the nation.
Morrison quickly became a symbol for female possibility among my girl film friends, and I can only imagine a similar finding in cliques across the globe. We followed her on Instagram, we rooted for her at the Academy Awards, we screamed when she lost. I think one of my friend’s even has her name on a shirt. She instantly became the person to look up to if you were a young, aspiring, female filmmaker. It didn’t matter if Mudbound really resonated with you or if you weren’t giddy over the shots in Black Panther or not, she was all we had.
Morrison’s filmography includes 47 cinematography credits, and roughly 40 other miscellaneous roles. But just recently she has announced her entrance into a territory untouched for her. Morrison is to take over Barry Jenkins’, director of talk of the town films like Moonlight and If Beale Street Could Talk, script, entitled Flint Strong.
Flint Strong will tell the true life tale of successful boxer, Claressa Shields, of Flint, Michigan. The movie would highlight her Olympic journey, record breaking accomplishments, and most likely the struggles of being an exceptionally talented woman in a male-dominated field. Being from such a politically charged town might add the social justice undertone that shines through in most of Rachel Morrison’s work. Either way, the story will be told from one pioneering woman about another; exactly what Hollywood needs more of.
No estimated release date has been announced.